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About /

Many years back, a pompous lawyer I knew declared that he had married twice: once to his wife, and once to his profession. Using his criterion, I suppose I’ve married four times. I am equally wedded to my wife, to the legal profession, to photography and to writing.


I make my living as a lawyer, and have earned nothing as writer or a photographer. I can only describe myself as an amateur in the purest sense of the word: The Latin root of “amateur” is amator, which means “lover.”


My enthusiasm for photography awakened in me when I was nine. [AM1] Having no camera, while growing up in India where cameras were not available in stores – they had to be imported by professionals - I explored the possibility of building one. But the method for building a shutter that opened for 1/50th of a second was so daunting that I may as well have set myself the task of building a rocket. Five years later, I was blessed with a Kodak Brownie.


When I was 17, I yearned for a 35mm SLR. It took six years for me to save enough money to buy it. The Pentax KX, which I still have in perfect working condition, finally launched me into “real” photography. Until then, I had to be content with using my two hands to make a rectangular frame through which to view my compositions. They were, without doubt, good compositions, but unfortunately lacked any archival qualities.     


While in my twenties, I briefly toyed with the idea of entering the world of professional photography, but quickly rejected the idea. I did not want to be bound by the needs or visions of others. I had to pursue photography for my personal satisfaction alone; otherwise, I risked compromising my love for the medium. Ever since then, I have photographed any sight or mental vision which has engaged my attention. My work has evolved organically, and in the last five or seven years, it has drifted into explorations of the abstract to capture feelings in their most primordial form.  


Now, at the age of sixty two, I have decided to share the voyage of my eye with the world.   


I was born and grew up in India and now live with my wife Evangelina in California.

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